We provide free support services for anyone who is considering becoming self-employed, starting or growing an existing small business or social enterprise in rural Scotland.

  • “GrowBiz is like no other business support I've ever come across! I feel like I belong to the GrowBiz family. Everyone at GrowBiz is so helpful and welcoming and they provide a non-judgmental environment in which to meet others in the networking and training events. I have had so many aha moments, which have helped me develop myself and my business.”

    — Client from the Cairngorms National Park, 2021.

  • “I am extremely grateful for all the support GrowBiz have given me over the last 2 years. Their support has been invaluable. Just knowing someone was there to point me in the right direction was a great help.”

    — Client Nicky Credland, South Perthshire

  • “GrowBiz has helped me in so many ways from one to one individual support to providing valuable online resources to help me start my business idea. I would highly recommend the team for their professionalism and knowledge but especially their personable manner and approach to helping new and growing businesses.”

    — Client from the Cairngorms National Park, 2021.

  • "GrowBiz helped enormously across the first few months of setting up, from initially crafting up my business plan, help in setting up terms & conditions, pricing methods, and coaching in the use of free agent software to enable me to manage my business accounts. The help was so invaluable I honestly don’t think I could have got to where I am almost 10 months on without their practical and simple advice."

    — Client Dave Mills, Highlands

  • “GrowBiz’ help with setting up my new business has been priceless. As I was completely new to running a business it was extremely important to have someone advise me on all the laws and requirements connected to it. It’s still a fantastic tool that helps me find news, courses and funds I would have otherwise missed. Their professional help means I don’t have to worry I’ll ever miss anything important and knowing I can always message a friendly person who has all the answers does wonders for my confidence and peace of mind.”

    — Client from the Cairngorms National Park, 2021.

  • “I have incredible support from GrowBiz and from Perthshire Artisans, which has been crucial to sustaining and growing my business. It has been one of the most valuable organisations I have ever encountered. The support has been incredible."

    — Client Daniel van Vuuren, Perthshire

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Specialised Support

In addition to our core range of support, events and learning resources which are designed for entrepreneurs and businesses of all sectors, we have a range of other services to support you and your business.

  • SEED

    Self-Employment and Entrepreneurial Development

    Tailored support for young entrepreneurs and self-employed people in Perth and Kinross.

  • GrowBiz Care & Wellbeing

    Offering a wide range of creative, innovative and personalised care and wellbeing services

    A group of care & wellbeing practitioners who offer innovative and creative care and wellbeing services. This peer support group has been formed to offer mutual support, learning and connection to members, help the public to access these services, and to share opportunities about funding and collaboration in the area.

  • REDS

    An online directory of Scotland’s small rural businesses

    All GrowBiz clients are eligible to join our online directory and interactive map, which promotes and connects Scotland’s rural business community and helps us support and advocate for them.

  • Perth and Kinross Social Enterprise Group

    Social Enterprise is central to delivering social and economic change in Perth and Kinross

    A group that promotes and support the Social Enterprises in Perth and Kinross, including an online directory.

  • Perthshire Artisans

    Supporting creatives in Perthshire

    An online store featuring a curated collection of the best creative talent in Perthshire. Shop for original design hand crafted pieces and learn about the individual techniques used to make them.

    Profits from this platform are reinvested into supporting the artisans, expanding their reach, and building a sustainable community of creatives in Perthshire.

  • Communities Care Perth and Kinross

    Care & Wellbeing organisations and resources

    An online resource hub to help people access the care and wellbeing support they need in Perth & Kinross. This includes a directory of care and wellbeing practitioners who can provide a wide range of support services, as well as information and links to find more about funding and support options for carers, and other relevant news.

  • Great Perthshire

    Great Perthshire is the regional food group for Perth & Kinross, bringing together local businesses to promote all the fantastic produce and food experiences made in Perthshire.

  • Ruractive

    GrowBiz has partnered with organisations from across Europe to participate in the Ruractive project, which aims to help create better connected, prosperous, resilient and strong rural communities. Together with our Scottish partners at the James Hutton Institute, we’re developing innovative solutions to your communities' biggest challenges and over the next few years we'll roll out these solutions across North-East Scotland via a range of engaging activities. If you'd like to help us shape these solutions or get involved in the activities, then visit the Ruractive website or subscribe to our newsletter below.

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